Kickstart your online business with minimum budget.

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Increase Your Blog’s Revenue Potential

By choosing your niche based on audience revenue potential and B2B market demand, not your passions or hobbies.

Scale Your Blog’s Backlink Acquisition

With the secrets to publishing more content and automating your guest post processes so you can write less and earn more.

Master Your Blog Monetization Strategy

By focusing on the right revenue streams based on your blog’s age and traffic, you make more money in months, not years.

Starting a Blogging Business Requires Smarter

Strategies to Scale Your SEO and Link Building

And Systems to Accelerate Your Traffic Growth


As Featured On

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John Doe
John DoeCEO
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John Doe
John DoeCEO
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John DoeCEO

I can sum up everything I’ve ever learned about blogging in one sentence:

Blog Like a Startup, Not a Writer

If you want to learn how to start a blog to make life-changing money, you need to stop writing and start developing systems to scale your blog like a business, not a hobby.

I launched this blog in January 2019 and as you can see from my Blog Income Reports, I now make over $250k/month.

Two years ago, I was at a corporate job, building my blog on the side.

I took what I learned in the startup world and started to scale my personal brand like a startup.

By treating my blog like a real business from day one, I stopped being the tortured writer and became the CEO.

First, let’s face it – most blogging advice is outdated.

You’re sold the dream of passive income, all while 99% of bloggers are still failing, and the same old school “influencers” who started 5-10 years ago are the ones making money online.

I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been lied to.

These old-school influencers tell you to write about your passions, stay consistent, form good writing habits, and create fantastic content. Then, a few years from now, you’ll finally have enough traffic to monetize your blog with affiliate links, ads, online courses, or other digital products.

To grow your blog in 2021, you need new tactics. 

The entire reason I created this blog was to abandon this old advice and update your blogging tactics for 2021 and beyond. 

Our community of Blogpreneurs is built to help you:

Step 1: Launch Your Blog

By choosing your niche based on audience revenue potential and B2B market demand, not your passions or hobbies.

Step 2: Scale Your Growth

With the secrets to publishing more content and automating your guest post processes so you can write less and earn more.

Step 3: Monetize Faster

By focusing on the right revenue streams based on your blog’s age and traffic, you make more money in months, not years.

Join 50,000 other bloggers and watch my exclusive free masterclass on how to start a profitable blogging business in the 2020s. Enter your name and email below and get instant access!

Ready to Get Started?

Enter your first name and email address below to get access to my exclusive FREE masterclass on how to start a profitable blogging business. You will also get access to my WordPress Blog launch checklist and my FREE blogging eBook!

Business Software & Services Review

US LLC Formation

Form your company first and make sure you are ready to go.

Best Hosting Services

Choose your wanted hosting service for you online business based on speed, reliability, uptime, features, and more.

Grow Your Channel

Make sure you get the right tools for your YouTube channel.

Best Web Hosting

Choose the very best web hosting for your online business based on speed, reliability, uptime, features, and more.

Best Website Builders

Choose the very best web hosting for your online business based on speed, reliability, uptime, features, and more.

Ecommerce Platforms

Choose the very best web hosting for your online business based on speed, reliability, uptime, features, and more.

Who Am I?

Greetings, esteemed visitor.
I am Reza Taheri, and I’d like to briefly share my journey and aspirations with you. I’ve spent considerable time contemplating how to impart my life experiences and insights. 
Finally, I embarked on creating this website, aiming to disseminate knowledge on self-improvement and achieving financial independence. I was born into a family with limited understanding of the human psyche and life itself.
This led to a prolonged period of aimlessness, during which I felt completely adrift. Eventually, I rediscovered both my true self and my life’s purpose.

Growing up in a financially constrained environment, I adopted a frugal mindset. It wasn’t until May 2018, when I came across the transformative book “You Were Born Rich” by Bob Proctor, that I felt truly enlightened. In my opinion, it stands as one of the finest works in the self-help genre.

In the latter half of 2019, I ventured into online business, starting with the sale of products through Shopify. By early 2022, my online endeavors had flourished to a point where I could comfortably bid farewell to my civil engineering job, as my income was more than sufficient to cover expenses.

During the latter part of 2022, I shifted my focus to affiliate marketing, a move that proved highly lucrative. In that year alone, I earned a commission of 16,000 USD.

I invite you to accompany me on my YouTube channel and other social platforms, where you’ll find unfiltered and authentic guidance. My hope is that, like me, you too can take the leap towards working for yourself and freeing yourself from traditional employment.